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Casestory: Geared for growth

Nordisk Tang is a growing food business. In many years they have been harvesting seaweed but also experiences in being a smaller food business. With tracezillla as a foundation for the data of their production, the seaweed-company is now geared for the next step in their growth adventure – and for a collaboration with bigger partners.
At Nordisk Tang in Grenå, Denmark the lifeblood is seaweed. The great production-hall resounds of mixers and conveyor belts turning and gliding.
CEO Kristian Ottesen transfers from the white coat in the production to the directors chair with ease. He explains the importance of having control over the processes in a food business and how tracezilla has supported Nordisk Tangin becoming a professional food business.
Structure provides overview and improves the production
With tracezilla we have a dynamic insight all the way through our production. It gives us a unique opportunity to improve our production.
With overview from beginning to the end we are able to spot any waste in the production more easily.q
This gives us a clear view of the production, the traceability and a better foundation for optimising faster and more precise, Kristian Ottesen says.
See the video showing the growth adventure in Nordisk Tang.
Easy organic mass balance
For a smaller food business the organic mass balance can be time-consuming. In Nordisk Tang they find it easy to calculate the mass balance using tracezilla.
- Consistency in documentation and structure is the key to a good organic mass balance. tracezilla provides a dynamic insight because the core of the system is based on us having – or getting - structure.
It is a great help for smaller food businesses as ours. We only use half as much time on the organic mass balance now, says Kristian Ottesen.
Credibility, traceability and safety makes us interesting
The next commercial focus for Nordisk Tang is to expand to delivering ingredients to bigger food businesses.
- The big food business and brands has to be picky with their partners. But we can see that the big ones are very interested in talking to us when they see that we are in control of every part of the production and on the food security.
- We are ready for the adventure, he ends before he once again hastes in the white coat to oversee labels in the production hall.
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