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New week plan for production planning

Now you can use tracezilla’s brand new Week plan for production planning. The week plan is a part of the module Tasks & Controls.
With the week plan you can get overview of the week’s productions, plan when on the day they should run and which production lines they should run on.
It is easy to move the productions around with drag-and-drop. You can edit production time, production leght or production date by moving a production within the week plan.
How it works
Once the module Tasks & Controls is activated, all the production orders will be shown in the week plan on the specific production date.
The productions can then be moved around and the length can be shortened or prolonged. The date will be updated automatically if you move the production to another day.
In the week plan you can also see which production lines or resources are used for a specific production. If you have added an expected production time in a recipe and which resource it is connected to, the productions, that are connected to the same resource on the same day, will be placed after each other.
It is also possible to filter if you only want to see productions connected to a specific production line or resource. You can also filter on a user in order to limit your view to the responsible person.
Additionally you can filter on order tags if you want to see orders with a specific tag in the week plan.
On the order in the week plan you can see what the order produces, which status it has and if there are lots chosen to the order. You can go to an order directly by clicking the order in the calendar.
The week plan is a part of the module Tasks & Controls. Tasks & Controls is an add-on module in the same way as Power Pack and B2B Commerce. There is 5 hours included for onboarding and configuration when you buy the module Tasks & Controls.
Feel free to contact tracezilla support if you would like to hear more and get started with the Weekplan-feature!
Email: Phone: +45 81 11 10 34
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