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Better reporting with tracezillas Power Pack and Power BI

When you have a lot of data, it can sometimes be difficult to get all the essential information presented in a clear and structured way. But it doesn’t have to be so difficult - if you use the right tools. Read more about how tracezilla’s partner and consultant Troels Dyhr Leighton helps his business clients to report tracezilla data via Microsoft Power BI.
Automated, user-friendly and cost-effective reporting
With the help of tracezilla’s Power Pack module, you can create dashboards and reports based on your own needs and embed dashboards in tracezilla. It can be anything from contribution margin to turnover. Or maybe you want to create a sales report that shows an overview for sellers. Or perhaps you want to see a report on purchasing, production or quality assurance. Creation of these reports is something that many of our users outsource to consultants. Troels, one of our Danish partners and consultants, has helped several food companies set up these reports with tracezilla and Power BI. And now he wants to share some expert advice for reporting by using both tracezilla’s Power Pack and Microsoft’s visualization tool Power BI.
tracezilla makes it easy to build professional reporting:
Use tags to segment or cost prices to analyze results: Tags make it easy to segment data at multiple levels and cost prices make it possible to analyze results.
User-friendly and insightful reports: According to Troels, in tracezilla there is data in abundance. You can dive into your company data via filters or underlying reports. The reports are updated immediately.
Seamless interaction with tracezilla: Data is automatically updated every night. And with tracezilla’s Power Pack add-on, you can embed reports in tracezilla and restrict access based on different user roles.
Watch the video below to hear more about Troel’s experiences with reporting tracezilla data:
About Troels Dyhr Leighton
Troels has a wide background as an entrepreneur and consultant within the food industry. If you would like a demo, you can contact him on LinkedIn, via his website or by sending an email at
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