
Documentation of tracezilla

Comparison report (sales)

Applicability of the report

The report Comparison makes it possible to equate sales figures.

The report can for example be used to compare:

  • sales figures for a customer in one period versus another period.
  • sales figures for one customer versus another customer optionally based on a specific SKU.
  • sales figures in a quarter for two markets/countries.
  • sales figures for one group of goods versus another group of goods.
  • the sales figures for orders covered by framework agreements (framework orders) versus orders that are not part of a framework agreement.

The sales figures that you would like to compare are equated in Filter 1 and Filter 2, respectively. You can choose whether you want to see the difference between the sales figures on each line in absolute numbers or in percentage.

The report will show the difference between the sales figures in the two filters based on number of units sold (Quantity, UOM), total revenue, gross profit and gross profit percentage.


Get started using the report

  1. Click Sales in the top menu and select Comparison under the Reports section.
  2. Start by specifying the information that should appear in the report, using the filters on the left side of the screen. Read more about the use of the filters below. Click Apply to use the filters.
  3. You can download the report by clicking on XLSX at the top right.
  4. You can also view the report in a printer-friendly format by clicking the Printer-friendly button.


Existing preset

You can save the setting of the filters. Then tracezilla remembers what you have searched for before so you can do the same search at a later time. It is relevant if you regularly download the report for the same purpose.

Give the preset a name/description in the Memo field and click Save.


The filter Show difference as

Absolute numbers The difference in sales figures in absolute numbers. For example, 888 pieces sold (filter 1) and 1200 pieces sold (filter 2) will give a difference of 312 pieces sold in filter 2.

Formula: 1200 - 888 = 312
Percentage change The percentage increase or the percentage decrease in sales figures. For example, the increase from 888 sold pieces (filter 1) to 1200 sold pieces (filter 2) is a percentage increase of 35.14%.

Formula: 1200 - 888 = 312
( 312 / 888 ) * 100 = 35.14 %
Share of (in percentage) The relative difference in percentage, ie. how large a share the sales figures in filter 2 make up of filter 1. For example, 1200 pieces sold (filter 2) corresponds to 135.14% share of 888 pieces sold (filter 1).

Formula: (1200 / 888) * 100 = 135.14%


The filter Show Cost Prices

Cost price calculation is an underlying part of tracezilla. Cost prices are calculated in two ways: expected and actual cost calculation.

Actual The actual cost price is calculated on the basis of the expenses pulled from e-conomic and attached to a lot. These appear as expenses on orders. In addition, overhead budget post are also included, ie. budget posts for which you do not have supporting documents like an invoice.
Expected The expected cost price is calculated on the basis of the unit prices you enter in tracezilla. This is, for example, the unit price for the purchase of goods, shipping on orders / deliveries and production costs. These appear as budget posts on orders.


Include subordinates

If you have created several partners who belong to the same organization (parent company, umbrella organization), you can see the sales figures for all partners who are part of the organization. This is done by indicating an overall organization for the partners.


Filter 1 and Filter 2

Enter the information in selected filters that you would like to compare in Filter 1 and Filter 2. You can see an example below. To compare the sales figures, some of the filters will be filled in with the same information, while what is compared will be different, e.g. different time periods, customers, countries, product groups, etc.


Country: Use this filter if you want to compare sales for one market compared to another market. Or if you just want to see sales figures for a particular country in both filters. The filter will thereby sort by the customer’s country (partner country). Click in the field to select the country from the list, start entering the country name or search for the country code e.g. DE, NL, GB, IT etc.


Order Tag, Customer Tag, SKU Tag: In tracezilla you can use tags to organize and structure content. The application possibilities are many. If you have added a tag to a group of SKUs such as “beverages, dry goods, frozen goods” or “organic, conventional” you can filter on these. The same goes for partners or orders. Read more about tags. Click in the field and start typing to search or select a tag from the suggestion list.


Customer: You can compare sales figures for one customer or compare sales figures for different customers with each other. Start by entering the company name of the customer and select it from the suggestion list.


Stock Keeping Units: You can compare sales figures for one or more specific SKUs. Click in the field to search for a SKU and select it. Then it will be possible to select more SKUs.


Order Date, Delivery Date: You can use one of the two filters to specify a period for which you would like to compare sales figures. An interval is specified, ie. a date from and including a date until. The order date will typically be the date the order was created. The order date can be used to indicate when a customer has placed an order. The delivery date is the date on which the customer has received the goods. Enter the date in the format dd-mm-yyyy.



If you want to compare sales figures for a specific customer, in a specific period, for a group of items, you can fill in selected filters as below.

Filter 1
Customer: The Retailer
SKU Tag: Beverages
Delivery date (dd-mm-yyyy): from 01.01.2020 to 30.06.2020

Filter 2
Customer: The Retailer
SKU Tag: Beverages
Delivery date (dd-mm-yyyy): from 01.07.2020 to 31.12.2020

