
Documentation of tracezilla

Visma eEkonomi integration

Do you use Visma eEkonomi as an accounting system? Then you can connect the integration to transfer your customers, suppliers and SKUs from eEkonomi to tracezilla.

Then you do not have to create your data manually when it has already been created in eEkonomi.

After the initial transfer, the integration is reversed so that invoices are transferred from tracezilla to eEkonomi. You can also transfer inventory value from tracezilla to eEconomi. Read more about the benefits of integration here.

Please note that in order to integrate Visma eEkonomi with other applications, Visma integration must be enabled.

  1. Log in to Visma eEkonomi.
  2. Go to Appar och Tillval.
  3. Under Övriga integrationer you can select Visma Integration and then Aktivera.

Please note that this is associated with a small additional cost at Visma.


Step 1/7: Connect

We recommend that you are logged in to your eEkonomi account at the same time, so tracezilla will be able connect immediately.

  1. Click the Company name in the upper right corner. Select Company settings.
  2. Click Built-In Integrations.
  3. Click Connect and configure in the section eAccounting.
  4. Click the button Connect.
  5. Click Add app.

The integration is now connected and ready to configure.



Step 2/7: Partners

In tracezilla, the term ‘partners’ cover both suppliers and customers. A partner can both be a supplier and a customer and you avoid having to two acounts for the same partner. Make sure the name of the supplier/customer is identical to be sure the partner is created as one in tracezilla.

You can transfer your partners fra eEkonomi to tracezilla. Customers and suppliers will automatically be assigned a tag when they are transferred. That way, you still get the division you know from eEkonomi.

  1. Start by selecting which account you want to transfer customers and suppliers from.
  2. Select Yes in the menu Pull suppliers and customers from Visma eAccounting to tracezilla.
  3. Click Save and go to next step.



Step 3/7: SKUs and services

When you create new services and SKUs in tracezilla, they will be syncronized to eEkonomi. You can select a default article coding for SKUs and for services. The coding can afterwards be changed in eEkonomi.

  1. Select default article coding for services according to VAT.
  2. Select default article coding for SKUs according to VAT.


Data transfer

  1. You can transfer SKUs and services from eEkonomi to tracezilla by selecting Yes in the field Create Items from Visma eAccounting as SKUs and Services in tracezilla.
  2. Click Save and go to next step.

After the initial transfer of services, SKUs and price lists from Visma eEkonomi, you can change the integration direction and transfer data from tracezilla to Visma eEkonomi.

You can return to the integration setup at a later time and select Yes in the field Create SKUs and Services as Items in Visma eAccounting. We recommend that you do so after you have created or updated SKUs in tracezilla.



Step 4/7: Sales

When you create an invoice in tracezilla, you can have it transfered and booked Visma eEkonomi right away. Then select Yes in the field Book invoices in Visma eAccounting.

You can also choose that there should be no synchronization. Then click Save and go to next step.



Step 5/7: Expenses

In tracezilla, you can choose to use the expected or the actual cost price calculation.

  • If you want to use actual cost price calculation, you must enable it in the company settings in the section Extensions.

Then enter the date from which you want to transfer expenses from Visma eEkonomi to tracezilla in the field Pull expenses with posting date as of. This date should not be changed subsequently.

Enter the account numbers from Visma eEkonomi from which it will be relevant to match payments in the different cost categories. Multiple account numbers in a cost category are separated by commas.

  • You can also easily choose not to sync your expenses. If you choose this option, tracezilla will calculate your expenses based on your expected costs.

Click Save and go to next step.



Step 6/7: Inventory Valuation and Adjustment

You can choose to use the expected or the actual inventory value when transfering the value from tracezilla to eEkonomi. Read more about inventory valuation here.

tracezilla use the expected inventory value as a default.

If the fields in the section Default GL accounts isn’t autofilled, you can create some accounts for the purpose.



Step 7/7: Enable integration

Confirm that you want to enable the integration.

If you would like to set up your account after the initial transfer of data from eEkonomi to tracezilla, without the synchronization taking place at the same time, you can No to enable the integration. You can return to the integration after setting up the account, and then enable it.
