
Documentation of tracezilla

Lot Attributes

You can assign attributes to your lots. Attributes are informations that can vary from lot to lot of a specific Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).


An attribute can be specification, size, packaging or quality, but also information about suppliers SKU code, storage bin, customs status or EU tariff code.



Enable the relevant attributes for the company

You can enable a variety of attributes, but it is rarely all attributes that are relevant for a company.

Catch Method, FAO Catch Zone and FAO Species Code are, for example, relevant information for companies that trade fish and shellfish.

EU Tariff Code and Origin are typically used in relation to export.

Breeder, Cutting, Age of animal and Trim are used by companies that trade animal cuttings.

  1. Click the company name in the upper right corner. Select Company settings.
  2. Click Basic settings for Master Data.
  3. Scroll the list. Tick the boxes for the relevant attributes.

    If an attributes is relevant for at least one of you products, you should enable it. You can then manage which attributes (information) the individual SKU should have activated in the SKU settings.

  4. Click Save.



Activate attributes for the SKUs

  1. When you create your SKU, you find the attributes in the tab Attributes. Here you can activate the writing field for relevant attributes for the SKU in question and enter a default value, if relevant.
  2. You can also go back to the SKUs later to activate the attributes. Then click Warehouse in the top menu and select Stock Keeping Units. Click the SKU to edit.
  3. You can also enable the attributes for all/several SKUs at the same time using the import function.
  4. When the attribute is acitvated, it will appear every time you create a lot on the relevant SKU. If you have entered a default value, you can overwrite it on the individual lot.

In this table, you can read about the different attributes. You have to enable the attributes to enter a value.

Attribute name Explanation
Internal comment The field can be used to add a comment on the individual product lot, for example if the lot may only be used for specific purposes. The comment does not appear on documents.
Catch Method You can indicate a catch method here e.g. trawl.
Customs Status You can indicate a costums status here.
EU Tariff Code You can indicate a EU Tariff code for the SKU as a default value. Then it will appear automatically on every lot of the SKU.
EWC code You can indicate a code from the European Waste Classification. Type in the code in the format XX-XX-XX
FAO Catch Zone You can type in the fishing area applying to the lot.
FAO Species Code This attribute is used if the lots of a SKU must be assigned a FAO Species Code.
Origin You can type in the origin applying for the lot.
Farmer/Grower You can type in information about the farmer or grower here e.g. name, address, number etc.
Breeder You can indicate the breeder of the lot.
Cutting This attribute kan be used to indicate a specific cutting of a lot. This is e.g. standard in the meat industry.
Age of Animal This attribute can be used to indicate the age of an animal. On a purchase order, the attribute can be used to indicate the prefered age.
Trim This can be used to indicate the trim of a product. Used in the meat industry.
Pistol Relevant for the meat industry.
Packaging You can indicate the type of packaging the lot have e.g. 20 bags.
Quality You can indicate the quality of the lot e.g. 1, 2, 3…
Size You can indicate the size of the lot e.g. 5x7 inches.
Presentation Used to describe the degree of processing in the fishing industry.
Preservation Used to indicate the preservation method.
Product destination This is the end destination of the lot, e.g. consumption, animal feed, etc.
Specification You can specify something about the lot here.
Storage Bin You can indicate a storage area for the lot in the warehouse. Storage bin can be changed on the individual lot, so you can indicate the new storage area if the lot is moved in the warehouse.

Storage bin attributes can be assigned to both SKUs with and without traceability.
Date extended For some product lots, the shelf life may be extended. This field is used to record the old shelf life date as well as the reason for the extension. Read more about shelf life extension here.
State This attribute can be used broadly to describe the condition of the lot - either as a standard value (e.g. frozen, freeze-dried, refrigerated, etc.) or the condition of the individual lot if condition varies between lots.
Effective pH This attribute is relevant for companies working with enzymes, yeasts or alike.
Effective temperature This attribute is relevant for companies working with enzymes, yeasts or alike.
Effective Enzyme activity This attribute is relevant for companies working with enzymes.
