
Documentation of tracezilla

Excise duties report for purchase

If your company buys goods that are subject to excise duties, the purchase must be reported for taxation. You can use tracezilla’s excise duties report as a basis for reporting purchases of taxable goods.


Step 1: Enable the extension

The report is an extension, which must be enabled in order for it to appear in your account. If you are already using the report as a basis for reporting sales, you do not need to enable it once again. Then go to Step 2: Define the type of excise duty.

  1. Click your company name in the upper right corner and select Company Settings from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Extensions in the menu on the left side.
  3. Switch on the Quantity Declarations function.


Step 2: Define the type of excise duty

  1. Click your company name in the upper right corner and select Company Settings from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Quantity Declarations in the center menu.
  3. Click Add new in the upper right corner.
  4. Give the excise duty a Name e.g. Ethanol content, 1.2 - 6 pct. vol
  5. It is optional to enter a Reference Code e.g. as a reference to a specific regulation or related document number.
  6. Select a Calculation base, ie. whether you have to pay excise duty on goods that have been sold (invoiced) or bought (purchased).
  7. Select a Unit from the list. For some quantities it is given which unit it is relevant to measure in e.g. pcs for packaging or liters for ethanol content.
  8. Adding a Tag is optional. You can add a tag by clicking on the + symbol on the right side of the field.
  9. In order for the excise duty to be added to orders and appear in the report, it must be active. If an excise duty is no longer valid, it can be deactivated. Then you still have the option to generate the report retrospectively in tracezilla, but the excise duty is not added to new orders.
  10. It is relevant to specify a country in the field Partner country is if only goods purchased from a particular country are subject to taxation.
  11. Fill in the date fields Delivered from and Delivered to if it is only a limited period that excise duty is to be paid on the goods. It is also relevant if the rate of excise duty changes. Then the dates will correspond to the validity period of this rate.
  12. Select a Cost category e.g. Taxes. The category will appear on purchase orders and in reports.
  13. Select a Component, e.g. Palm Oil. Components are relevant for reporting.
  14. Enter the rate of the duty in the field Unit price.
  15. Tap Save to create the excise duty.

Once a duty has been created, it can be edited or deleted. It cannot be deleted once it has been used and indicated on Stock Keeping Units. That way, you do not lose your data.


Step 3: Indicate the taxable quantity on the Stock Keeping Unit.

  1. Click Warehouse in the top menu and select Stock Keeping Units in the drop-down menu.
  2. You can either choose to edit one SKU at a time or you can edit several by downloading an import template.


Edit one SKU at a time

  1. You can search for a SKU in the overview using the filters on the left. For example, search for a SKU Code or SKU name in the filter Keyword.
  2. Click on the blue button with three dots on the right side of the SKU. Select Configure.
  3. Go to the Quantity Declarations tab.
  4. Indicate the quantity that is taxable according to the unit of measurement of the SKU.

Example: There is 4% alcohol in a fruit wine. The SKU is sold in a package of 8 pcs. The excise duty is calculated on the basis of the amount of pure alcohol in a bottle of fruit wine. I use the field in tracezilla to calculate. 4% corresponds to 0.04 and there is 0.75 liters in a bottle. 0.04 x 0.75 = 0.03 liters of pure ethanol per bottle.

Click Save when the quantity has been entered.


Edit multiple SKUs at once

You can download a spreadsheet to, for example, Excel, in which you can edit several SKUs at once. Once the values have been added to the relevant SKUs, the spreadsheet can be uploaded into the tracezilla again.

  1. Use the filters on the left side to limit the number of results in the overview. You can search for SKU name or SKU code in the filter Keywords. If you have added tags to the SKUs, you can search for it as well.
  2. When the relevant SKUs appears in the overview, click Import in the upper right corner. Click Get import template.
  3. Open the spreadsheet on your computer.
  4. Scroll to the last columns in the spreadsheet. The number of columns in the import template varies and depends on the settings of the company account. Find the column that in row 1 has the same name as the one you named the tax with in Step 2: Define the type of excise duty.
  5. In the column, enter the quantity according to the unit of measurement of the SKU, which can be seen in column L: Unit of measure.

Example: There is 4% alcohol in a fruit wine. The SKU is sold in a package of 8 pcs. The excise duty is calculated on the basis of the amount of pure alcohol in a bottle of fruit wine. I use the field in tracezilla to calculate. 4% corresponds to 0.04 and there is 0.75 liters in a bottle. 0.04 x 0.75 = 0.03 liters of pure ethanol per bottle. OB! Please note that the import template can not be uploaded into tracezilla again, if the field contains the calculation. Enter the result of the calculation eg. 0.03

  1. When all the quantities have been entered in the spreadsheet, the file is saved on the computer.
  2. Open tracezilla again. Click Upload in the same dialog window from which you downloaded the template. Select the file from the computer.
  3. Once the changes are registered and saved in the tracezilla, it will say: The file was successfully imported!


View the report

After following step 1, 2 and 3, you can generate the report. Going forward, just skip these steps unless you need to add more excise duties. To add a new one, follow step 2 and 3.

  1. Click Purchase in the top menu and select Quantity Declaration in the section Reports.
  2. Set the filters on the left side: select the excise duty and then the period for which you need to report the purchases.
  3. You can download the report as a spreadsheet by clicking on XLSX at the top right. You can also view the report in a new browser window by clicking Printer Friendly.

The report consists of several tabs, so you can view the report based on a set of given information. Which tab is relevant to you depends on the purpose. The report can be used for several purposes.



Column Explanation
SKU Code This is the SKU Code which refers to the SKU that is the subject to tax.
Global Name This is the name of the SKU which is subject to tax.
Unit of Measure This is the Unit of Measure (UoM) of the SKU. You can read more about SKUs and UoM here.
Quantity, UOM This indicates how many Units of Measure of the SKU have been purchased.
Net Weight (kg) This is the total weight of the purchased lots. The number is based on the stated net weight of the SKU.
The excise duty The last column shows the taxable quantity.


By Order / SKU

Column Explanation
Order This is the number of the order where the taxable goods have been purchased.
Delivery Date This is the date the goods were delivered.
Partner No. This is the number that the partner has in tracezilla. This is a consecutive number that is assigned when you create a partner in tracezilla.
Supplier This is the name of the supplier who delivered the goods.
Address This is the addresss of the supplier (street).
Address 2 This is additional address information on the suppliers partner.
Zip Code This is the address of the supplier (zip code).
City This is the address of the supplier (city).
Country This is the country of the supplier.
Phone This is the phone number of the supplier.
VAT-ID This is the VAT number of the supplier.
SKU Code This is the SKU code which refers to the delivered goods.
EAN, UoM This is the EAN number of the Unit of Measure of the SKU.
The excise duty The last column shows the taxable quantity.


The other tabs in the report

Column Explanation
By SKU tag, By Country, By Partner, By Partner Tag, By Order, By Month. These tabs allow you to view your defined quantities either By SKU tag, By Country, By Partner, By Partner Tag, By Order, By Month.
The excise duty The last column shows the taxable quantity.
